Look, we have got to get guys who are committed to being Gators--too many 4- and 5-star head cases the last few years, we all see the results. Maybe one place to start is not to worry about young fools who make a "heartfelt commitment", promises that don't turn out to mean anything a few months later, when the chips are down. OK, it's disappointing, but we're trying to find the RIGHT "talented players"--in case you haven't noticed (and I don't mean this about you personally, G-villeborn, but rather everyone of us), we brought in a lot of guys with "amazing highlight" reels the last few years: no one held them to account and everything deteriorated 'til Coach came in--then some slunk away (and more continue to do so), others moved aside and are hanging on by their fingernails, and among those who ARE playing, even some of them have turned out to be "losers", players neither their coaches nor teammates can depend on. We can't afford to keep making those mistakes--they waste not only scholarships but the time, effort and faith of everyone that works for, on and with them in order to make us a team of WINNERS, worthy of our name, "The FIGHTIN' Gators".