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Official Game Thread Week 11: Florida Gators vs South Carolina Gamecocks 11/12/22

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Here I was thinking MAYBE we HAD changed. That this would finally be our "Complete Game".
But no. We get the ball, then give it back. Get it BACK--Then almost GIVE IT BACK AGAIN!
We DAMN well better score here.
As it is, "I have a REALLY BAD FEELING about this!"


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
That was a fun sequence kicked off by a strip from 415-pound nose tackle Desmond Watson!


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Finally. OK. Now D has gotta keep it going.
NOTHING is guaranteed to this team.
NOTHING is certain.
Even now, at 31-6, I figure we have to be FAVORED--but NOT forbidingly so.
THIS team must fight, scratch and claw for EVERYTHING. THAT is their personality, their NATURE. If they don't, they lose.
Someday soon that won't necessarily be the case anymore--we may have to reach down and do it that way from time-to-time, but we will WIN MORE games by playing like we did MOST of the first half. We STILL would clearly benefit by a RETIRN to that kind of play...
Hold on the return--but our ball again!
Our D is coming THROUGH!!!


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COME ON, Anthony!
You gotta lead this team. You MUST start showing what you can do with your ARM now too.


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I'm sorry.
ANOTHER blown chance.
We are just stinking UP The Swamp.
AR, then kicking team, stinking the whole place up since late in the first half.
So much for "a complete game".
We had every chance IN THE WORLD to blow this team off the field--but THEY believe they are still in it--With good reason.
And we KEEP shutting the bed here.
Only THIS TIME, our defense is playing well, but our offebsexand discipline teams just cannot do ANYTHING right now.


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We may WIN this game, but DO NOT BELIEVE whatever tripe the "experts" try and sell you about "Gator Domination".
(Now they're pin us inside our own 5 yard line:
All that "domination" by our defense, all that time in the red zone--but hardly any points, and THEY PIN US??!
Don't look now, but AR hasn't done a THING since the end of the 1st quarter. It has beennour RBs who have kept us in it on offense since then.
If you think about it, AR has NOT been that effective a QB even through the last few "better Gator quarters".
I'll tell you, if he jumps pro and we have to begin growing a new QB-1 and offense next season, that might not be the worst thing that happens to us in the long run.
Now we face mask the return guy on the punt.
They are inside our red zone fircthe first time now.
I'm telling ya: We could STILL blow this game.
All these POINTS left on the field.
I am disgusted.
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The Gators have 7 points off 3 turnovers. They should have 21 points.
Yes. But actually, thinking back to the end of the first half, it is worse than THAT.
Our D has played MORE than well-enough to have gotten that "complete game" today.
Instead, we have backed OURSELVES into a fight.
This game us turning into a REVERSE of last week--and THIS time it is AR and special teams who must shoulder the blame.
Billy has WAY too much work to do.
As "Won't Back Down" is sung (and these fools on the SEC Network completely ignore it), I will say the "UNSAYABLE":


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4th quarter. I THINK, with the way this defense of ours is playing we can still get this win.
Buy it will have been ANOTHER "No Fun Gator Game" regardless. A crappy Senior Game, last home game on Veteren's Day weekend.
Yes, we stop them and get the ball back, earn back a few of those "lost points", if you wanna look at it that way.
But it doesn't change anything.
Yes, it is "BETTER THAN LOSING"...LOTS better.
But cashing IN a couple of those turnovers, especially after that TD that broke the shutout in the first half. Our defense DID its job, and MORE SO.
CRAP. ANOTHER dropped ball on a less-than perfect pass from AR. We blow ANOTHER chance to continue a drive.
Now OUR punter gets to kick a good one.
Shouldn't have HAD to punt (maybe not at ALL today!), but AR keast, when given the chance, our Aussie kicker knocks it 67 yards and pins THEM on THEIR 5 yd line.


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AND we give up a big play rightvoff...but flag on the play. Coming back.


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In a 31-6 game (that SHOULD be at LEAST 45-6, probably MORE), here we are depending on the Refs to save us. And even THEY cannot make up their minds or see things clear.
I just want THIS one to be over.
AR needs some work here though--to even beat VANDY, fer crying out loud!
(I have serious doubts about this team going to Tallahassee; That one WILL require a "complete game"... and they haven't come CLOSE to that even now.)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
For the second time in the game, USC coach Shane Beamer is clueless on the rules of American football. Both shitty plays he ran might have been legal in Canadian football or perhaps arena football, but not in big boy football. What a clown.
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