This is interesting: As I say, I’m not watching the game, but no one is calling me, from which I can deduce that it is still neck’n’neck, somehow. That just shouldn’t BE; Granted, this is a game ‘Cocks squad after all, but even DOWN our two rushers-extraordinaire we should be beating them. I suppose the constant rain has played its part, but good teams beat lesser teams no matter WHAT the conditions...I am tired of having to explain our shortcomings.
When we are ready to “reload and come out swinging” no matter WHAT we face on the other side of the ball, THEN we’ll be ready.
I’m fairly certain we will lose this one—without even WATCHING it (LOL): It HAS to be well into the 2nd half by now and if we WERE gonna take control, it would have happened by now. I suspect however that USC’s running game is starting to tell—and for the umpteenth time this season, ours did NOT. No rush, EITHER side of the line of scrimmage, means a loss, my friends.