Looking ahead, on the one hand I am happy to report that Mizzou looks EMMINEMTLY beatable...However, “the other hand” ALSO involves Mizzou:
They play dirty—and it comes from the top down.
Vandy had them down in the 2nd half, their freshman QB in there leading the team for the first time; Hasan is in the big ol’ running QB-mold, and he clearly offered that “11th man you have to account for in the backfield” that was giving Mizzou fits in the 2nd half. He’d just marched them down the field, cashed it in himself on a nice, long run, and was in the process of repeating the trick—when there was an extended full screen shot of the Mizzou Coach calling a kid off the bench, taking him aside and head down, talking to him intensely...Just a coupla plays later, Hasan runs for 8 yards, clearly goes into a slide that is DONE: He is almost coming to rest when the very same Mizzou player sent in special by the coach comes streaking in AFTER THE PLAY IS WELL OVER and drops his head to hit him full on in the face with the crown of his helmet. knocks QB out cold; teammates have to help steady him, keep him from collapsing when he tries to stand; is eventually assisted off the field. The HITTER gets up and trots to the sideline like he expected what came next, of course (just couldn’t help grandstanding on his filthy play, well-executed at the behest of his Coach)—which was his ejection for “Targeting”...He jauntily trots directly down the sideline and into the tunnel to the crowd’s cheers...The former Vandy QB returns to the field, and on his 2nd play throws a pick-6 which for the moment turns the game back in Mizzou’s favor.
Now, I don’t KNOW the proper way to deal with this approach, how to warn an opposing Coach and his players that “WE WILL BURY YOU! ONE MOVE that smacks of targeting and we will make this a street brawl!” It’s sort of like the rise of tyranny (hey—what’d you expect: I’m ex-Army AND a student of history): You gotta do SOMETHING—It is in EVERYONE’S interest...Frankly, I never thought Missouri BELONGED in the SEC, they just don’t FIT, in any way (funny: A&M DOES, Mizzou DOES NOT) and I would LOVE it if there were a growing move to eject them, bring in a more “SEC-ish school”, but that is unlikely anytime soon: It would take a slew of such outrages, all building towards a crescendo of “THESE Tigers must GO!”...but that leaves it to the rest, the “rank and file”, to insist on the restoration of decency and order—down in the TRENCHES! Because they pretty well announced it: They will be coming after Trask. Perhaps it is time to begin practicing up OUR “designated destroyer”, know what I’m saying? A freshman big-body who has some speed too: Pick their most crucial key player, and if they come after Trask that way, well, “open season, man!” Sounds (and feels) barbaric, I know—but we are already down too many first stringers...and anyway, this was such an extremely and egregiously intentional effort from the top down to go after a key young player who was gashing them: Well, you get what you give. One MORE reason to look down on Missouri, see them ground to dirt. My friends down this way who remember the Big 8 and SWC days say that Missouri has a LONG history of this—that was the one school no one was sorry to see move to the SEC—though they are still baffled as to why we WANTED them!
(Meanwhile, UGA looking sloppy against UK: It is still 0-to-0 in the 2nd quarter! Order and normalcy will no doubt be restored before it is over, though...)