Would DJ Durkin come back to the Gators?
Gotta be a “step up”. Don’t know anything about how “doable” it is.
Based on today’s showing on that side of the ball—better do SOMETHING, for now.
Fast, if we want those extra weeks of practice—and media attention, for recruiting’s sake.
(Aside: More than ever, it sure LOOKS like Mullen was “given the word, “Fire the DC, etc, or ELSE...” And the resulting “lay down” by the D in the first half was perhaps considered a predictable “immediate reaction” that won’t in itself then trigger in his bosses’ the same response clearly favored by the fans on hand in the Swamp! But it isn’t as if I have so much more confidence in STRICKLIN & Co.’s guidance than I do in the mob’s!
It gives them plenty of cover if they are leaning that way themselves by now already, though.
Oh, I dunno WHAT to think anymore! This whole string of bad luck, bad decisions and maladjustments has just destroyed my basic sense of hope, balance and confidence built up over time.
Where is ANY sign of a “Gator Way”, a traditional “Gator Mindset”. As symbols who might help to rally us “from the sidelines”, we’ve got Tebow, and Spurrier, of course.
Am I missing someone, ANYONE? Tebow is “a media figure” now, but little more I’m afraid, when it comes to playing any real part in our resurgence.
Spurrier could be more—but he’s getting up there, if he’s even INTERESTED in that kind of involvement anymore.
Maybe y’all know of important, talented and influential, so far lower-profile figures that might step up and into that role.
Maybe from the NFL? Gators who might come back?
Me—so far, I got NUTHIN’!