With our B-ball squad flying high and in parallel at least the football team looking increasingly formidable as it settles into its spring practice, wouldn't you KNOW IT??!
Suddenly what was first presented as "caution" is now more and more gaining traction as some sort of hidden damage, a "conspiracy of danger" that warns of more bad news ahead:
"D J LAGWAY, central hope for a promising Gator future, is NOT just being held back in practice now for the sake of caution and care for his (and thus OUR) future":
In TRUTH, it is said, he is actually seriously hampered--a mysterious injury threatening his timely development now, and perhaps the whole pending evolution of this program for the season to come.
As the title states, I am SICK of it:
I don't know what it means or why it has all developed in the way that it has. The fact that Napier himself has most recently answered the question about this "upper body injury" with the answer, "I don't know...That's another thing we don't have an answer for." frankly worries me.
The kid ought to be throwing, building rapport with all the acknowledged talent in the WR-room, if at all possible; missing that opportunity now can only signal at least the possibility of a real problem, I'll grant you, but the way this has all been revealed, left mainly to "sky is falling" insiders to post as panicky click bait is pretty damn irritating.
How about some frank and open honesty? As it is, I get the distinct feeling that this is part of some GAME that is being run for SOMEONE'S benefit--but for the life of me I cannot figure out WHOSE.
And THAT is what I am MOST "sick of".
Suddenly what was first presented as "caution" is now more and more gaining traction as some sort of hidden damage, a "conspiracy of danger" that warns of more bad news ahead:
"D J LAGWAY, central hope for a promising Gator future, is NOT just being held back in practice now for the sake of caution and care for his (and thus OUR) future":
In TRUTH, it is said, he is actually seriously hampered--a mysterious injury threatening his timely development now, and perhaps the whole pending evolution of this program for the season to come.
As the title states, I am SICK of it:
I don't know what it means or why it has all developed in the way that it has. The fact that Napier himself has most recently answered the question about this "upper body injury" with the answer, "I don't know...That's another thing we don't have an answer for." frankly worries me.
The kid ought to be throwing, building rapport with all the acknowledged talent in the WR-room, if at all possible; missing that opportunity now can only signal at least the possibility of a real problem, I'll grant you, but the way this has all been revealed, left mainly to "sky is falling" insiders to post as panicky click bait is pretty damn irritating.
How about some frank and open honesty? As it is, I get the distinct feeling that this is part of some GAME that is being run for SOMEONE'S benefit--but for the life of me I cannot figure out WHOSE.
And THAT is what I am MOST "sick of".