And maybe that is only right somehow--that we begin our true journey down "the long road back" minus ALL the baggage from the past, bringing as little of what came before, even expectation, with us into a future that was/is unknown, its most recent elememts haunting us, dragging us down.
Nothing about "the streak" was "normal" or reliable--and certainly the wild swings and outright flukes that characterized the ways it carried on was indicative of neither the direction our program was headed, nor our general play brought as outcomes elsewhere most of the time.
It took a storm of ridiculous, unexpected events to keep that streak going this long--and now a kind of "Perfect Storm" of ingame events to finally break it. More and more it was affecting US, our thoughts, attitude and states of mind and being as individuals and as a more and more affected THEM mainly just as a rallying point.
It had to end at some point--just as the dark cloud over us has to end at some point too: The endlessly frustrating, seemingly cursed road we have travelled since first Spurrier's return and the rise of that "charmed era", until its demise and long descent through Zook and into the "deal with the devil" that brought Meyer, then Tebow and apparent over-the-top "success" whose price and hidden consequences-to-come (as always seems to be the case with such "deals") were/are way too high (as Ohio State refuses to recognize so far, but will learn) and we CONTINUE to pay for.
We wondered why it persisted, failed to recognize how deep it all went and what it would take to truly "MOVE ON": A TOTAL "Break with the Past", down to its very roots and an extraordinary degree--including the seemingly impossible, repeated attachments and influences at work annually in sustaining that streak. Along with everything else, "the good with the bad", we had to cut it off, leave it ALL behind now if we truly want to start a whole NEW journey, begin a new story under Mullens--as he is clearly intending and has already begun to do.
So, in this way, all of it, even this loss, is, if not easy to call (or accept as) a "GOOD" thing, in this light it was a necessary one.
Look, I could go on at length about "quantum connections" and "effects", even introduce the logically deduced arguments regarding the strange nature of "reality", the implications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and "Schrodingers Box" in all of this, and so on--but few would read it, fewer still care (with the possible exception of Escambia--), and for our purposes here is BESIDE THE POINT:
WE MUST MOVE ON...There are things that had to be left behind, ongoing facets of our til now ongoing "reality" that had to be changed, dispensed with, our having been once and for all ended. our being CUT OFF from, before all the rest of our turn-the-page THOROUGH move to a new road, a new and different "story" we create and now begin to tell ourselves and the world.
It may seem weird, even ridiculous, but it is all real, and damn well better be COMPLETE: When it comes to this "break with the past", it must be total and it must be complete...miss a hidden detail and you are doomed to failure in any effort at breaking what amounts, in practical terms, to a "curse", and in turn find new success and a different kind of future in what will come our way...Who will join us, and how we might all come together in triumph and glory in battles to come on the road, in the QUEST ahead.
If that sounds like overblown, mythic nonsense, I ask you: How would YOU describe this whole process, all the people scheming, young warriors preparing for it their whole lives, the system in place to train them and all the rest scheming to FIND them, bring them together in different places, in different ways for different institutions with different approaches and philosophies, and so on?
In a sense, Mullens can be viewed as the ANTIDOTE to McEllwaine, Muschamp, and the most deeply embedded aspects of the Meyer years still affecting us--AND additional complicated, elusive details like "the streak" and all its influence before today. It's been hard to pin down, finally eliminate its most subtle details, but I believe we are now finally, truly "Gettin' TO IT"!!! In this way, I don't think I'm just lying to myself in order to FEEL better: This ISN'T just some rationale: It, the loss, had to happen, the streak had to end, and we ALL needed to see and recognize how "Starting Over" really works, how far it must go and how much time, energy and heartache is wasted if we AREN'T thorough. We're all tired of banging our heads against the wall with no ultimate change in the eventual outcome.
So hard as it is, painful and traumatic, we take it, stoicly--and maybe deep DOWN, find some solace in it!
It is finally time: Gators, let's MOVE ON!!!
Nothing about "the streak" was "normal" or reliable--and certainly the wild swings and outright flukes that characterized the ways it carried on was indicative of neither the direction our program was headed, nor our general play brought as outcomes elsewhere most of the time.
It took a storm of ridiculous, unexpected events to keep that streak going this long--and now a kind of "Perfect Storm" of ingame events to finally break it. More and more it was affecting US, our thoughts, attitude and states of mind and being as individuals and as a more and more affected THEM mainly just as a rallying point.
It had to end at some point--just as the dark cloud over us has to end at some point too: The endlessly frustrating, seemingly cursed road we have travelled since first Spurrier's return and the rise of that "charmed era", until its demise and long descent through Zook and into the "deal with the devil" that brought Meyer, then Tebow and apparent over-the-top "success" whose price and hidden consequences-to-come (as always seems to be the case with such "deals") were/are way too high (as Ohio State refuses to recognize so far, but will learn) and we CONTINUE to pay for.
We wondered why it persisted, failed to recognize how deep it all went and what it would take to truly "MOVE ON": A TOTAL "Break with the Past", down to its very roots and an extraordinary degree--including the seemingly impossible, repeated attachments and influences at work annually in sustaining that streak. Along with everything else, "the good with the bad", we had to cut it off, leave it ALL behind now if we truly want to start a whole NEW journey, begin a new story under Mullens--as he is clearly intending and has already begun to do.
So, in this way, all of it, even this loss, is, if not easy to call (or accept as) a "GOOD" thing, in this light it was a necessary one.
Look, I could go on at length about "quantum connections" and "effects", even introduce the logically deduced arguments regarding the strange nature of "reality", the implications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and "Schrodingers Box" in all of this, and so on--but few would read it, fewer still care (with the possible exception of Escambia--), and for our purposes here is BESIDE THE POINT:
WE MUST MOVE ON...There are things that had to be left behind, ongoing facets of our til now ongoing "reality" that had to be changed, dispensed with, our having been once and for all ended. our being CUT OFF from, before all the rest of our turn-the-page THOROUGH move to a new road, a new and different "story" we create and now begin to tell ourselves and the world.
It may seem weird, even ridiculous, but it is all real, and damn well better be COMPLETE: When it comes to this "break with the past", it must be total and it must be complete...miss a hidden detail and you are doomed to failure in any effort at breaking what amounts, in practical terms, to a "curse", and in turn find new success and a different kind of future in what will come our way...Who will join us, and how we might all come together in triumph and glory in battles to come on the road, in the QUEST ahead.
If that sounds like overblown, mythic nonsense, I ask you: How would YOU describe this whole process, all the people scheming, young warriors preparing for it their whole lives, the system in place to train them and all the rest scheming to FIND them, bring them together in different places, in different ways for different institutions with different approaches and philosophies, and so on?
In a sense, Mullens can be viewed as the ANTIDOTE to McEllwaine, Muschamp, and the most deeply embedded aspects of the Meyer years still affecting us--AND additional complicated, elusive details like "the streak" and all its influence before today. It's been hard to pin down, finally eliminate its most subtle details, but I believe we are now finally, truly "Gettin' TO IT"!!! In this way, I don't think I'm just lying to myself in order to FEEL better: This ISN'T just some rationale: It, the loss, had to happen, the streak had to end, and we ALL needed to see and recognize how "Starting Over" really works, how far it must go and how much time, energy and heartache is wasted if we AREN'T thorough. We're all tired of banging our heads against the wall with no ultimate change in the eventual outcome.
So hard as it is, painful and traumatic, we take it, stoicly--and maybe deep DOWN, find some solace in it!
It is finally time: Gators, let's MOVE ON!!!