I'm having the hardest time with my son, who is in 8th grade.
I'm usually a strict mom, but all semester long, I've told him if UF goes to the Nat'l Champ Game, he can stay home the next day (since the game doesn't end until so late). Then I find out HOORAY! the Gators are going to the game!!!
But it's on Thurs Jan 8.... GREAT! Our county has the first day of midterms Friday! His history exam is Friday. So I told him he has to go to school unless his teacher okay's it. (thinking that'll never happen). Then he comes home from school and says Mr Jones says he can make up the test (he has A's in that class). That's all fine and good except I have to write a note for him to get an excused absence to be able to make up work. "Please excuse my son's absence. He was too tired to come to school because he was celebrating the UF Gator's victory at the National Championship until after midnight." yeah, that'll work! But if do make him go, he'll probably get a lower grade on the test! :helpsmilie:
In 2006, he was in 6th grade and scores didn't matter as much as they do now, prepping for high school!
Ugh, what should I do?