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Tebow in the NFL


Gator Fan
How do you think Tebow's game would translate into the NFL? Some people compare him to Meyer's former QB Alex Smith, but Smith was more of a finesse runner, while Tebow is a power runner. Do you think if Tebow wants to be successful in the NFL he will need to cut back on the rushes and learn to be a pocket passer?


Gator Fan
I agree, he will have to change his game if he wants to play in the NFL. However he will have a backfield in the NFL and a defense. He is young and not ready. He is only 20yrs old. A Soph. But, a very talented and gifted one to add. Read all about him @ www.TEBOW4HE15MAN.com


VIP Member
I think he will need to change it up if he wants to be NFL material. I think he'd be great as an NFL QB and being able to run the ball in the NFL can prove to be useful. I know there are a few QB's in the pros that are very good at running, but passing is huge in the NFL. The game my still be football, but it's still a brand new game when you get to that level.

So come on Tim Tebow. Show us what you can do with that arm.


VIP Member
I hope Tebow has all the success in the world @ the next level. He is the type of "person" the NFL needs. However if he tries to run like he does now in the NFL, his career will be very very short.
He has 2 years & 3-4 games left @ UF before any of that matters anyway.


Super Senior Member
he probably won't have many plays designed for him to run in the NFL, but he'd probably make plays with his feet when no one is open


VIP Member
Tebow reminds me a lot Steve Young. He was a scrambler in the NFL and had a strong arm. I think his game will translate well to the NFL.


VIP Member
Don't be so surprised if Meyer begins putting Tebow in like he did Leak. Letting Newton do the grunge work and let Tebow become the pocket passer, better shaping him for the pros.

Also, over time, I think you're going to start seeing a lot more of these run oriented QB's and will eventually get into the pro's as well. The things you can do on offense are so much more with this as an option. Take Vick for example.
Well, he sure as heck would not run as much in the NFL. He would eventually get killed. Hope he wins some big games for us as a starter and hope he makes the NFL, but at this point I have no idea how good he would be at the next level.

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