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The TEBOW Watch


Gator Fan
He definitely showed he can inspire his team. And at this point, what do the Broncos have to lose. It was EXCITING as hell to watch Tebow in that game. I am glad they finally decided to pull the trigger and give him a solid chance for 10+ games.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I am excited, not because I think he is the best QB on the team, but because he will get the chance to prove where he is now--good or bad. No more speculation, no more guesswork. On top of that, he will get to do it in front of a home crowd during a reunion of the 2008 National Champion Gator team!


Super Senior Member
If the Broncos lose to the Dolphins, it will be very rough for Tebow. Everyone in the media will put him on blast. This is pretty much a must win.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
It might be a tough game, the 1-4 Broncos vs the 0-5 Dolphins. They might be fighting neck and neck in the suck for Luck sweepstakes.


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1) His receivers were part of the crowd that had the idea that ORTON was "the Guy" and that Tim was somehow nothing...NOW they're just a bunch of future-ex-Broncos trying to hold on any way they can, including grabbing onto ANY excuse, no matter where it originates, in order to dodge, duck or otherwise explain away their own mistakes and failures. They won't hesitate to throw TT under the bus, especially with Elway's clear feelings on the matter coming through loud and clear.
2) ESPN has gotten this whole thing wrong from the start, going with the story that Tebow doesn't have much, certainly not "IT", and the only reason he MIGHT now see the field, as always, is because of the Bronco-fans and Tebow's status as "a celebrity". Meanwhile, ignorant axe-grinding fools like a Merril Hoge are among the "experts" whose hateful bile is presented as "commentary".
3) Tim is too straight and positive to do anything but try his best and follow the instructions and plans of his coaches, not put his own long term future and personal dreams ahead of the immediate needs of his current team, but on some level he must understand that if he DOES get to run the Denver offense over the next few weeks, he is in effect auditioning for his NEXT job, the one that will give him his REAL shot: somewhere out there a team that WANTS Tim Tebow to lead them needs only the evidence that he can DO it, for themselves and/or whomever else must be convinced for it to happen.
That MAY very well mean going with his heart, not to mention his own natural skills and instincts, at some crucial point in a game, even if it runs counter to his coaches' (above all Elway's, via Fox) expressed instructions. We know that's often when he's at his best--even control-freak Meyer understood that, encouraged and left room for it in his schemes and plans. If #15 can't rely on the players around him any better than they showed last Sunday, it may be the only way he can succeed to the degree that we all know he can.


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IF the Broncos draft Luck, Honestly I don't know what I would do.
To me it would be fine--get Tim OUT of there! They've got nobody to help the QB there, whomever he is. Goodluck, LUCK. SOMEONE with middle-NFL talent will give TT a proper shot--and he'll make the most of it.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Funny story. Today I was at the Orlando airport surrounded by Gator fans and Tebow fans. Everybody was chatting about Tebow. Everybody was saying "Go Gators" and "Go Tebow". I flew into Denver airport, and more of the same. My plane took off just as the game started. By the time I landed, Denver was behind 0-6 and Timmy had 23 yards passing or something like that. By the time I got home from the airport and pirated the game on the Internet, Timmy brought the Broncos back with a TD and a 2-point conversion.

Check it out...91.7 QB rating for the game. 2 TDs. 2-point conversion. 93.3 QB rating on the season, 17-37, 230 yards, 3 TDs. His ESPN QB rating should be higher, because of his rushing TD, 2-point conversion, and 8 YPA rushing average.


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Down 0-to-15 with under 3 min. left? That pretty well DEFINES "Tebow Time": get him the ball, give him a little protection (for the first time all day) and whadayaknow? 2 Tds and a 2-pointer (bulled in by who-else?) and you're going to overtime.
Still gotta wonder about the rest of the offense--if the line could do the "OK"-job they did those last two drives for a whole game, TT wouldn't HAVE to rally wildly at the end. He'll raise the play of everyone around him, but if the "O"-line is as porous as it was here the first 57 min. of regulation, some of the better teams ahead will open up too big a lead on a worn down defense for TT and the offense to surmount late in the game.
Regardless, though, this WAS a nice demo of what GATORS already know (and Bronco fans have long suspected): "That #15 is something special".


Super Senior Member
I think we are the only ones who noticed how poorly his O-line played. No ESPN analysts are mentioning it, they are just saying how poor Tebow played up until the end of the game. He's not going to be able to be successful unless his line helps him out.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Tebow can play behind a crappy offensive line if the offensive coordinator accedes a few points:
1. Timmy just wins, no style points.
2. Josh Mc Daniel did not draft Timmy to be a clone of Kyle Orton. He wanted something that orthodox quarterbacks do not have...mojo.
3. Yes, we get it. He has crappy mechanics. You are fighting a losing battle if you think mechanics win games. Remind Steve Young and Roger Staubach that crappy mechanics will keep you from winning Super Bowls and Hall of Fame.
4. Yes, it is a team sport and the team should not revamp the offense to suit one player, unless you want to win games.


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I think we are the only ones who noticed how poorly his O-line played. No ESPN analysts are mentioning it, they are just saying how poor Tebow played up until the end of the game. He's not going to be able to be successful unless his line helps him out.
I mean, it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still BOTHERS me: the bias and pre-conceived attitude these guys have coming IN is so obvious. Tonight on the ESPN post-Monday night show the regular has-been-athlete "experts", both of 'em WRs, were STILL going on and on about TT and the same old crap...that big mouth Keshawn who used to play for the Jets kept saying "Never mind the last few minutes and the final score--did you WATCH the whole game??!" and how bad Tebow played and how unacceptable he is and on and on, while the other one's big point was, I kid you not, "He doesn't raise the game of the players around him"--one of the very things he DOES do, even though they're supposed to be professionals and he shouldn't HAVE to, certainly not for a whole game. And, as you say, not a word from ANY of them about the terrible O-line play, at times porous-to-the-point-of-almost-complete-uselessnes, not even by Tom Jackson playing the "devil's advocate" and, if not supporting Tebow (he was careful to preface his remarks by saying, "I'm not a Tebow apologist, and I don't think he can do this over the course of the 9 or 10 games remaining in the season, but..."--and he's the "open-minded one"?!), pointing out that #15 DOES seem to find ways to win, he did it again here, and Jackson finished by noting he didn't "know what that means, but NO one does..." That's as close as anyone on ESPN or elsewhere can come to saying, "Give the kid a chance..." Whatta bunch of me-too suck holes.
So if TT doesn't almost single handedly win that game at the end as he did, the story is that he's a complete bust like they said, all his fault--but he DID win, so they play that down and still focus on the previous 57 minutes, referring to the amazing ending only to mention "he made just 2 decent throws the whole game so the receivers could bail him out at the end", according to Big Mouth Johnson again. That's the story, "Tebow Fails, Proves He Doesn't Have It", that is prewritten and sitting there, waiting to be read/published/posted at the end of every game he plays the rest of this season, and the only way he can get it modified a BIT is to WIN: the moment the Broncos come out on the wrong end of the score, get ready for the full-on attack.
This is why I say that he is in truth auditioning for his next job, his NEXT team. He'll continue to grow and get better, even settle into the pocket a little more comfortably once he knows he can trust the line he's playing behind. Is there someone out there who realizes not only his unique skills, but is willing ultimately to let Tebow be TEBOW?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Trent Dilfer started to impress me when he said that the reason he is critical of Timmy is that he knows his own weaknesses and strengthd, sees that Tebow has a lot of characteristics he lacked in his day, and has additional weaknesses that Tebow will never overcome. That was quite insightful, and he almost had me thinking he may be onto something. Then I thought of what Steve Young said last year. The gist of what Young said is that Tebow is who he is. He will never be a standard quarterback, nor should he be. Let him be different. If he succeeds, he redefines the role of quarterback. If he fails, then we write him off and move on. Instead, the world is polarized on the guy and purposefully comparing him to people he will never be--Kyle Orton, Trent Dilfer, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Andrew Luck, John Eleay. Then comes Cam Newton. All of a sudden people create a new category for him and he is the best in that new category. Well, I think the media should create a Tim Tebow category and compare him to Tim Tebow. Of course Tebow lacks the fundamental mechanics of Kyle Orton. Look at Tebow when you line him up in the shotgun, no huddle, four receivers...2 touchdowns in 3 minutes and a 2 point conversion. Who else can you compare him to? Now try Cam Newton. He throws a pretty ball, but also completes 50%. He runs more like a quarterback and less like a fullback than Tebow. Neither should be compared to one another because they are both very different from each other and the other 30+ quarterbacks in the NFL. Most other quarterbacks are meant to be clones of one another.

In summary: most quarterbacks are similar to one another and should be compared to one another. Tebow, Newton, and others are different and should be compared in their own right, not against the "standard quarterback".


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Well said, as usual. I'll go a step further in analyzing Dilfer--his strengths, weaknesses and supposed self-evaluation: he himself was much maligned, not for his lack of talent but for his lack of HEART--he was NOT well regarded in the locker room, nor on the field when the chips were down. Dilfer was known as a guy who was quick to pass the buck, bitch about everyone around him, going behind their backs to management, etc. He was a classic "Loser", much more the very ANTITHESIS of Tim Tebow than even he can possibly admit--to himself or anyone else. It's interesting that Dilfer would refer to the tiniest of admissions regarding this stark contrast between them. Think about what he's saying, in effect: "Tebow has the heart and drive I never had--but I had more skills than he'll EVER have...I could have been better, and maybe that's why I'm resentful..." HA!!! As you say, E-, the breakdown in terms of skills is not the point--the total package IS.
Here it is in plain words, Trent. You're a loser, he's a winner. You don't think that and/or his skill-package can work in the NFL. Like a number of others with a preconceived bias and axes-to-grind, y'all have been howling about it since he went into the draft. There are a number of us who feel otherwise, who long to see him running a "Tebow-style offense", who think that this would be exciting and, in its own unique way, quite effective. It just really burns you up that so many folks want to see him get a fair shot at putting that to a real and fair test.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Note that I am not calling for Denver to throw away their entire playbook--just make some minor adjustments as other coaches have done in history. First, stop making Timmy sit under center. Put him at shotgun or pistol, preferably shotgun, and let him work from there. Second, put him in the no-huddle once the defense has settled into a run defense and let him try beating the opponent with his arm. The opposition needs to fear his arm once they stuff the box Third, modify those receiver routes. Tell them to zig when they zag, or zag when they zig. They are not getting open expecting a Kyle Orton pass, and Brandon Lloyd, the only receiver that seemed to understand him, is gone. Finally, just be open-minded about a modified offense that puts your team in a position to try winning a few more games, and lets you evaluate what you have in Tebow.

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