Had Tebow not coughed up the ball in the 3rd quarter with that fumble, we would have had 7 more points on the board. Momentum was definintely swinging in our direction up to that point.
Though Deonte Thompson was out of the lineup, there was still no excuse for Tebow to not spread the ball around. He still had David Nelson and Aaron Hernandez as targets besides Riley Cooper. Frankie Hammond proved that he can be a playmaker this past spring, but didn't get hardly any playing time. As far as the one who made a comment about our running game, that's pretty much what drove our offense on Saturday.
My biggest issue was with the officiating, though. Penn Wagers let UcheaT get away with four major penalties - he overlooked two facemask calls, an unsportsmanlike conduct and should have called Crompton for intentional grounding just like he had nailed Tebow earlier on. Besides the fact that CBS' Gary Danielson and "Lardass" Lundquist were clearly supporting the darkside instead of being impartial, those missed calls really set me off.