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Vote for Tebow in the Heisman Poll


Gator Fan
Agree, the people get a very low percentage but every little bit helps. Tebow is right behind Dixon in the rankings however he is OFF this week. If Tebow has a big night in S.C. he will be back atop the list. GO GATORs !!!!


VIP Member
Hate to say it but he does not deserve to win it over some others this year. Dixon and McFadden should be ahead of him.


Hayley Loves her gators
I think there's being to much pressure put on him, about this heisman stuff, I mean I'd love to see him win it, but ya know distractions can cause alota trouble. I mean how can you expect someone to perform up to a 100% if all he thinks about is winning the heisman. just my opinion ;)


VIP Member
Are you kidding me FanSmack?? Tebow has 500 more passing yds than Dixon 3 more passing TDs has a lousy 2 more INT's 170 more Rush yds and 11 more Rushing TDs playing against the best defenses in the nation. And McFadden was a 1 week wonder this yr living off of last years hype. Tebow is by far the best player in the nation.

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