Might as well face it:
Win or lose today, this defense of ours is SO weak that we CANNOT include ourselves among the “Elite”.
Y’all can just FORGET about all that for now, Gators. Oh, maybe we can manage another “High-2nd-Tier”-Bowl again—another Orange or Sugar Bowl (non-playoff) game at the end...and MAYBE back in the thick of things come 2021–but we are WASTING the best offense we’ve seen here since Tebow’s last season.
An ugly, frustrating total package all around. I still find it difficult to fathom HOW poor this defense has become in so short a time since being considered a
“shut down unit”. Personel, scheme, fundamentals and conditioning have ALL seemingly atrophied.
Even were we to manage to pull this one out at the end, in my heart of hearts I am now resigned to our losing MORE than one of the rest...This was the game where we were to learn how much or how little we REALLY had—WELL, now we know.