Not only are Spikes and Tebow gone, but so is Charlie Strong who was been a huge presence in Gator Football for some time. The team is really lacking an identity in all phases on the game. You're right in that Pouncey is really going to have to be a leader on the field, but I feel that he is going to have to tape together the leadership on the offensive side until Brantley can come into his own, which the team will need to have happen as soon as they can. Getting out from under the shadow of Tim Tebow is going to be very important to the identity of this team. He'll need to come out quick and show everyone why he was recruited so heavily. No he won't be lowering his shoulder and taking on all comers 5-10 times a game, so instead he needs to stand back in the pocket and carve teams up to really get the crowd believing in him as someone who can get it down. So my hope is that Pouncey can be a stabilizing presence until JB is ready to take the reins.
Chas Henry will have a big role simply because of how deflating a misplay from the kicking team can be in a game. If he can be consistent throughout the season it will help prevent added stress from being placed on this largely faceless team.
As for on defense, I have no idea. It will all depend on who shines in the new DC's scheme and who has the work ethic and impact during game prep. Hopefully we'll see some of our younger players take on that role of hungry underclassman who wants to make a name early.