Gator Fan
Used to visit there, mainly to see friends from the Left Coast who'd moved there, went to the New Music Seminar (before it was finally superceded by Austin's own SXSW) in my rock'n'roll Video/MTV days, then finally lived and worked in Manhattan MYSELF for a couple of years in the early 90's...What happened was that what seemed "a Big Outdoor Adult AMUSEMENT PARK" when we would VISIT there, began to seem more and more like "a big walled-in TRAP", however soft-surfaced and sybaritic my (expensive) life there seemed most of the time, once I was a resident...Where a lot of people obviously just take-to-it and never live anywhere else, I was no "natural New Yorker", I guess. What was fun at first began to get to me more and more--even that "rudeness" at first (and BEFORE I had lived there, when visiting) had seemed kind of "funny and satirical", DID more and more seem some kind of shared psychosis after awhile. By the end of my time there, I was willing to (and did) trade the last 6 mos. on a lease on a loft on the Chelsea/Grenwhich Village border for a couple's similar remaining time at a mountainside lodge upstate on the Onondaga Indian Reservation, where I spent a SNOWED IN late-winter-and-spring writing a screenplay (the first I eventually sold) that I never would have gotten past the "idea/outline-stage" had I stayed in Manhattan. From there, I moved here to Austin--and have never returned to Manhattan.I should not be surprised that this is happening in the rudest city in America, New York (I can say that, because my wife is a New York native). They should have traded Timmy to Jacksonville, or anywhere else.
TT would be a GREAT CFL Quarterback--NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!! I am more sure of this than ever after watching both games Sunday night...In a way, it is a better type-of-game for him from the word "Go!"--I mean, PERFECT! He'd fit in and appreciate the Canadian "ethos" too--Tim's kind of a "natural Canadian" already (lol), as polite and friendly as he tends to be in his first-inclination--but a hard-nosed competitor as a sportsman, a "stick-his-head-in-there-and-mix-it-up" sort of player, Yes, a "hockey-player/linebacker-mentality" as QB, that 'd work GREAT in the CFL--right along with his skill-set and aggressive "get on my back, guys"-approach. Not only would he enjoy Canada and quickly endear himself to Canadians in general, ESPECIALLY in whatever city he played (where the combo of his style, success, and community-involvement/nice guy image would make him HUGELY popular), but he'd bring a great deal of attention to the CFL of course in American FANS: I'd expect greater coverage and following, especially of course whichever team got him, on cable and satellite systems throughout the States...Yeah, THAT would be a big coup for the CFL and the particular owner who GOT him...They'd probably have to educate TT on what the CFL really is, why he'd thrive there, and maybe even put both easy target incentives AND some sorts of guarantees about how he'd be used in order to get him to consider such a move--but #15 ISN'T "all about the money" (or the CELEBRITY, one of the very few I can say BOTH about with confidence), has already MADE a "nice pile", and, once he GOT there, might well find a HOME. I'm SERIOUS...Tim could come play up here in Winnipeg, by the way. We'd take him in a heartbeat, and he'd like the fans a lot. We can't pay as much, but no one would have any idiotic ideas like make him play RB. Plus, he'd be welcome to live at my house - or my parents', if he wants more than a single room in my basement.
I'm perhaps the biggest non-Floridian fan of Tebow. That he has been so consistently mistreated by teams and GMs is puzzling to me. I'll happily plead bias, though.![]()
Tebow playing for the Packers would make me so impossibly happy, I dare not whisper my hope.