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The TEBOW Watch


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Has anyone wondered why it is that Tim Tebow has not earned more starting time on the NY Jets, despite Mark Sanchez completing under 50% of his passes? One conspiracy theory says that it comes down to money. Timmy Tebow is one of the few remaining players left on the old Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) contract structure that helped force the last strike between players and owners. The gist of that strike was that players were making too much money and it was costing owners too much to keep underperforming rookies and injured players.

Timmy's contract has "escalators", or pay incentives that would boost his salary if he hit certain milestones. In summary, the amount of pay that the NY Jets would have to pay Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos would apparently break the bank if Tim Tebow played in more than 45% of the snaps.

Read for yourself and tell me if you believe the theory.


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Escambia94 I proposed this theory elsewhere (and without the details of his contract that you have brought out here) among some supposedly "objective" friends of mine who are fairly serious gamblers (No longer a wagering participant, I was, WAY back there, a founding member of their "pool")--and they dismissed my ideas laughingly when I proposed them (appox. 3rd wk of NFL season) as the "naive and paranoid ramblings of a typical Gator"...I just forwarded a copy of my original (dated) email, along with the link above, and a simple cover note: "Who, exactly, was 'naive'?!!" I have yet to receive any responses... Funny: They were all OVER it back then, immediately dismissing the idea...
My point even THEN was that there are now factors that have NOTHING to do with the game itself that one MUST have information on to properly account for in any analysis of a team's long-term potential, and that, in this way (ie. the possibility that "winning" may NOT be a part of a given calculation), the pros were becoming dangerous to gamble on--in a similar way to why from the very start they chose NOT to gamble on the college game. In THIS case, the idea they missed completely on--ones that DID affect their wagering patterns--had to do with their certainty that first, Tebow would be used widely and effectively in the "wildcat role", and second, that in the event of a possible (among some, it was thought to be even "likely") eventual repeat of a "Sanchez meltdown", Tebow would be more and more a part of the Jets' every-play offense, a role that last year already showed he could rally and thrive in--"That's why they GOT him", went the "objective" theory, "but only just in case". The idea that they wouldn't play him, had only gotten him for a specific controlled number of plays, and would actually LOSE long term rather than let contractual-factors kick in, was of course completely dismissed.
I admit that without all the details, I didn't know how right I was, but the point here now is that we are talking about a level of deep, covert collusion. Whether or not it can be proved, or even if anyone will TRY (Where's the incentive? Who exactly would BRING such a suit? That "powerful and united" pro-players "group"? Now THAT is truly laughable...), is of course in serious doubt, but there it all is, far as I'M concerned.


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--------------------------------------THIS IS AN OUTRAGE !!!------------------------------------
Thurs. Nov. 15
Guess I'll be the first one to jump in here regarding this latest INSULT--to TT, yes, but to all of us, as fans, EVERYWHERE, courtesy of the NY Jets:
TT is handling it with his usual class, but at this point, that whole team, from BOTTOM--which is 99% of the players ON that team, apparently, the largest cowardly scumbags being the "anonymous group" who have come out and actually BLAMED Tebow for their lousy performance as a team this season (I don't HAVE to go INTO why that is absurd, right? I mean, he's been SCREWED be that team in every way since he got there, in that he HASN'T been on the field regularly, except as a defender on the KICKING TEAM, which he has uncomplainingly done as well as he could, as usual), but closely followed in their slime-hole cowardice by the REST of that "team" (absolutely LEADERLESS)--to the TOP, right on through the coaches and especially including that useless buffoon they call "Head Coach", Rex Ryan...
Again, TT continues to take the high road, but he has GOT to walk now--even the folks on ESPN who have joked about him in the past (mostly just because of his high profile, which has ALWAYS raised controversy and jealousy, all the more since they never COULD get to him, find any dirt, knock him DOWN), even THOSE folks are backing away from any sympathy or support for the Jets now. For example, the "skinny one" on "Mike and Mike" who IS normally a proud Jets-fan, just tore the whole TEAM, players and "the closest thing this bunch of bullying cowards have to a leader, Rex Ryan", a new one, BOTH of them voicing complete disgust for this latest "disgrace"...But it just isn't enough.
Unless there's a new regime that comes in, Ryan and his coaches GONE and "the whole house cleaned", with Tebow retained and put at the center of a new effort (all probably BEYOND "unlikely"), then Tim HAS to be looking to get OUT ASAP--and hope for "one last chance SOMEWHERE". He must wonder at his own judgment in this by now, though: No doubt taking folks at their word, Tim basically CHOSE the Jets as the "right fit" for him this last time, after all. It went "south" in a hurry, everyone involved going back on certain promises in a way he must have thought his contract ALONE "protected" him from...It never occurred to him either that these folks would just outright LIE to him, first, or that they'd actually choose to just do NOTHING with him--or as close to "nothing" as possible--rather than make any effort to improve their team because that would "risk" having to pay him.
Unbelievable--even for the NFL, whose mercenary phoniness turned me from their game long years back.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I should not be surprised that this is happening in the rudest city in America, New York (I can say that, because my wife is a New York native). They should have traded Timmy to Jacksonville, or anywhere else.


Gator Fan
It's unbelievable. Grown men acting like that. The players, coaches, management, he'll the whole damn organization should be ashamed as well as their fans. Tebow needs to get out of there.


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I should not be surprised that this is happening in the rudest city in America, New York (I can say that, because my wife is a New York native). They should have traded Timmy to Jacksonville, or anywhere else.
Used to visit there, mainly to see friends from the Left Coast who'd moved there, went to the New Music Seminar (before it was finally superceded by Austin's own SXSW) in my rock'n'roll Video/MTV days, then finally lived and worked in Manhattan MYSELF for a couple of years in the early 90's...What happened was that what seemed "a Big Outdoor Adult AMUSEMENT PARK" when we would VISIT there, began to seem more and more like "a big walled-in TRAP", however soft-surfaced and sybaritic my (expensive) life there seemed most of the time, once I was a resident...Where a lot of people obviously just take-to-it and never live anywhere else, I was no "natural New Yorker", I guess. What was fun at first began to get to me more and more--even that "rudeness" at first (and BEFORE I had lived there, when visiting) had seemed kind of "funny and satirical", DID more and more seem some kind of shared psychosis after awhile. By the end of my time there, I was willing to (and did) trade the last 6 mos. on a lease on a loft on the Chelsea/Grenwhich Village border for a couple's similar remaining time at a mountainside lodge upstate on the Onondaga Indian Reservation, where I spent a SNOWED IN late-winter-and-spring writing a screenplay (the first I eventually sold) that I never would have gotten past the "idea/outline-stage" had I stayed in Manhattan. From there, I moved here to Austin--and have never returned to Manhattan.
These aren't just a strangely arrogant breed of Americans, who seem to think they somehow deserve some special award for living where they do, how they do, and on top of people like themselves: These are absolutely the most obnoxiously demanding fans in the country...and "Jets fans" are the worst-of-the-WORST...Yankee fans are what they are--and I give them credit for getting what they demand or REJECTING the product immediately..."NY Football GIANTS"-fans have managed to take that same attitude and see it reflected in their management, coach, and the product that is most of the time right out there on the field in front of them--tough, gritty, no nonsense and pound-it-out RELENTLESS, which I happen to find really appealing in a football team, especially in the pros (and if our Gators can manage that kind of "Tough Offense When It Counts" to go with the "D" they are already well-on-their-way to establishing, I'll TAKE it--and so will all of YOU, as we put a STRING of Nat'l Championships together!)...but this latest incarnation of the Jets, after all that build-up and hoopla on TV for Ryan and "his guys", which we all got to see him palling around with like a construction team when a girl in a skirt walks by, well, now we see "the chickens coming home to roost": A leaderless bunch of cowards and classless losers looking to pass-the-buck--led by the "Buck-Passer In Charge", Rex Ryan. Maybe their fans should have seen this coming, but I think they saw too much of themselves there--and now they've gotten what THEY deserve--BUT NOT TIMMY!


Gator Fan
Tim could come play up here in Winnipeg, by the way. We'd take him in a heartbeat, and he'd like the fans a lot. We can't pay as much, but no one would have any idiotic ideas like make him play RB. Plus, he'd be welcome to live at my house - or my parents', if he wants more than a single room in my basement.

I'm perhaps the biggest non-Floridian fan of Tebow. That he has been so consistently mistreated by teams and GMs is puzzling to me. I'll happily plead bias, though. :)


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Tim could come play up here in Winnipeg, by the way. We'd take him in a heartbeat, and he'd like the fans a lot. We can't pay as much, but no one would have any idiotic ideas like make him play RB. Plus, he'd be welcome to live at my house - or my parents', if he wants more than a single room in my basement.

I'm perhaps the biggest non-Floridian fan of Tebow. That he has been so consistently mistreated by teams and GMs is puzzling to me. I'll happily plead bias, though. :)
TT would be a GREAT CFL Quarterback--NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!! I am more sure of this than ever after watching both games Sunday night...In a way, it is a better type-of-game for him from the word "Go!"--I mean, PERFECT! He'd fit in and appreciate the Canadian "ethos" too--Tim's kind of a "natural Canadian" already (lol), as polite and friendly as he tends to be in his first-inclination--but a hard-nosed competitor as a sportsman, a "stick-his-head-in-there-and-mix-it-up" sort of player, Yes, a "hockey-player/linebacker-mentality" as QB, that 'd work GREAT in the CFL--right along with his skill-set and aggressive "get on my back, guys"-approach. Not only would he enjoy Canada and quickly endear himself to Canadians in general, ESPECIALLY in whatever city he played (where the combo of his style, success, and community-involvement/nice guy image would make him HUGELY popular), but he'd bring a great deal of attention to the CFL of course in American FANS: I'd expect greater coverage and following, especially of course whichever team got him, on cable and satellite systems throughout the States...Yeah, THAT would be a big coup for the CFL and the particular owner who GOT him...They'd probably have to educate TT on what the CFL really is, why he'd thrive there, and maybe even put both easy target incentives AND some sorts of guarantees about how he'd be used in order to get him to consider such a move--but #15 ISN'T "all about the money" (or the CELEBRITY, one of the very few I can say BOTH about with confidence), has already MADE a "nice pile", and, once he GOT there, might well find a HOME. I'm SERIOUS...


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Is this like the most ironic Thread-title going right now? With Rex Ryan "in charge" there in NY (sort of like the captain of the Titanic "in charge" THERE), "The Tebow Watch" is about the same as "Watching paint dry" at this point in the season...
Sanchez: 3 INTs and a fumble-into-touchdown...IN THE 2nd QUARTER, not in a game--but STILL not "Tebow-time", no way...it's about "pride" to REX, the Fat Fool, now, let's face it, but he's got it all wrong: TRUE "pride", in the face of THIS level of ongoing decline and abject failure, deserves better fortitude than the childishly stubborn "I'm not GONNA do it 'cause I don't WANNA! I'll hold my breath until I turn PURPLE!" reaction we've seen from Ryan: How about actually RESIGNING at the end of his weekly "We were outplayed AND out-coached" and "Our fans deserve better" speech--or better yet, actually "falling on his own sword"--only for REAL: THAT'S the only way I can EVER imagine Rex Ryan EVER being regarded as anything but a BUFFOON ever AGAIN!


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...NOW it comes out that TT BROKE 2 RIBS against Seattle 2 weeks ago--and KEPT ON PLAYING...
Now think about this: He broke them doing the only thing he has been sent out there to DO for the Jets over the last few weeks, running downfield as part of the "runner's protection squad", BLOCKING on kick-returns (this is their high-priced supposed back-up QB we are talking about)--and he "felt it on one of the returns, but I just kept on going..." This is the guy his scumbag loser teammates threw under the bus, tried to blame for their bad season?!!
The trainers only discovered the fractures when #15 went in to get it taped-up before the next game "because the discomfort just came-on over the next week", according to Tim (ie. he went thru' a week of PRACTICE without saying anything, and only after-the-fact was there some talk among coaches and a FEW players of "his motion and strength" seeming "a bit off"--talk about about "no interest").
Now they have an EXCUSE for not playing him, but it's a "Pandora's Box" no one really wants to open: even the Idiot-In-Charge can see that this only makes Tim look more amazingly brave, misplaced and mistreated, while the coaches AND training staff look all-the-MORE blind, thoughtless and stupid.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Even with broken ribs, Timmy suited up and kept the helmet on in case they needed him! God bless that kid for being so "good", yet having to work for a bad organization.


Gator Fan
Were I in charge of Jacksonville (for example, because they suck), I'd take Tebow when he clears to FA, then I'd spend my time building a spread offense. The biggest issue, it seems to me, is GMs and OCs not "buying in" to the skills that Tebow brings. Is he a pocket passer? - no way. He'll never be one. Does he have a "long throwing motion?" - sure, but big deal.

I'd get him an O-line that can block, receivers who can improvise, and a TE that can catch, and an RB who knows how to run an option motion. He doesn't need anything more than that.

But, just like you'd never EVER build an offense to showcase Peyton Manning's running ability, you can't build an offense that relies on Tebow throwing from a pocket.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Just to remind the folks out there... several NFL teams use various flavors of the spread offense:
  • Washington Redskins. Mike and Kyle Shanahan consulted with Urban Meyer when looking for plays to use with Robert Griffin III. The Shanahans wanted a spread offense that would allow them to make use of a mobile QB. They run these plays about 50% of the time. Tim Tebow would fit in well under this offense, or another offense willing to adopt Urban Meyer's style of spread between 50% and 90% of the plays. (Note that Mike Shanahan is a friend of the Florida Gators--he was the OC back in the early 1980s.)
  • New England Patriots. Josh McDaniel did not know how to use the spread offense when he was the OC and HC at Denver, but he has figured it out. He now uses a mixture of pro-style, the Urban Meyer offense, and the Chip Kelly offense. Tim Tebow would work well in this offense, or in an offense that is willing to mix in a couple flavors of spread offense in with a pro-style.
  • Green Bay Packers. I am not sure where the Packers borrowed their spread offense. They may have just adapted the West Coast for the spread by changing up a few concepts. The result looks a lot like the Mike Leach Texas Tech Air Raid being used by Leach and his protege, Dana Holgerson. Tebow surprisingly would work well in this offense, because the passing routes are more like the Urban Meyer offense than most people realize (probably because most people assume Meyer's offense was a running offense...in which case they are wrong...look how NFL teams use the Urban Attack).
  • San Francisco 49ers. The 49ers essentially use the Utah Offense from...Urban Meyer. At the time, Urban's offense at Utah did not feature the "Harvin position", or quick tight ends, or a linebacker-sized quarterback, but Alex Smith and Colin Kaepernick have been running the Utah version of the Urban Attack quite well. Granted, the 49ers do not run this spread more than 10% of the game, but they run it enough with enough success to lead us to believe that the Niners will use these plays again as defenses adjust to the Niners' pro-style with Kaepernick subbing for Smith due to injury (see their last game). Timmy would work well in this offense, or any offense where an offensive coordinator is willing to let the QB feed in his old college playbook adapted to the NFL.
  • The Carolina Panthers. It is painfully obvious to anyone that studies football that Cam Newton needs the spread offense to fall back on for confidence. Last year he lit the NFL on fire running spread plays that looked a lot like Guz Malzahn's spread at Auburn. Coincidence? I think not. Fast forward to this year where the Panthers have decreased usage of the spread from, say, 75% of the playbook to about 20% and you can see Cammy Cam struggling three times as much. Coincidence? I think not. This shows that Tim Tebow would work well in an offense willing to find a mix of spread plays with pro-style plays.
  • The Buffalo Bills. Their offense does not get credit for being spread, because it is ugly. If you stuck Tebow in today for Ryan Fitzpatrick, Timmy would do well. The offenses are that similar. My *guess* is that former Gator QB and current Bills OC, Chan Gailey, has called up people like Urban Meyer for advice on incorporating the spread into the NFL.
Jacksonville could easily adapt to some flavor of the spread and enjoy some success with Tebow at QB.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Tebow playing for the Packers would make me so impossibly happy, I dare not whisper my hope.

I did not mean to imply that the Packers are in the market for Timmy. I meant to show that the Packer's method of mixing their existing West Coast offense with the spread has worked well for Aaron Rodgers, a QB that struggled with the West Coast until those tweaks were made. (The difference is that Rodgers was further along the path of a pro-style and could have adapted to the West Coast faster than Tebow would have. However, the key takeaway is that the spread offenses do work in the NFL in various ways. Tebow would fit in somewhere in any of those flavors. He may even work well in a Canadian Football flavour of spread (note the spelling of "flavour" when referencing CFL, eh?).

Come to think of it, if the NFL is fearful not only of taking on Tebow's playing style, but also his contract structure, the NFL may have an escape route by sending him to Canada. In case you missed the other thread: Tebow has one of the few remaining contracts under the old scheme that allowed young QBs ridiculous pay raises. The escape clause is to lessen Tebow's playing time in the NFL so you don't have to pay those "escalators" or deal him to Canada and start him under CFL contracts.


Gator Fan
I knew you weren't implying anything. IIRC, the Pack were in the running when he was being traded from Denver, and a boy can dream, right?

The spelling thing was definitely appreciated. :p

Unfortunately for the NFL, one cannot simply "send" him to the CFL. They're different leagues entirely and it's only because of mutual benefit that they even honor (tit for tat!) each other's contracts. Still, I think he'd have a lot of fun up here. Of course, if he played for anyone other than the Bombers, I'd have to cheer against him 3X a year... not sure I can handle that, spiritually.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
If the Jets do not want to pay Timmy, they can deal him to the Hamilton Tiger Cats. The CFL cannot afford NFL salaries, and the agreement is that if an NFL team releases a player to the CFL, the CFL team that owns player rights (the TiCats) initiates a new contract under CFL rules.

If I were the Jets, I would favour a trade to CFL. It would be up to the TiCats to keep Timmy or deal him elsewhere.


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I've already aired MY feelings on a Tebow-to-Canada scenario. Don't see ANY "land-on-his-feet, proper outcomes" on the horizon for TT in terms of owner, city, GM/Coach or TEAM in the NFL anytime soon...
Didn't know about either the generalities of the NFL/CFL agreement, OR the Jets' current Tebow-specific relationship with the Ti-Cats, either...
Other than that though, while there are NUMBER of things that spring to mind as I follow the byplay in this thread, more than anything I am really ENJOYING that "byplay": Seldom is such discussion both so informative AND entertaining, "no dote a-boat it, there eh?" (it doesn't REALLY sound like that--unless you go there directly from the deep south...).
I mean it, Gators: we may need a new rating-icon.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I bet our neighbours to North would take good care of Florida's favorite son. We Americans suck at taking care of positive role models.

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