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The TEBOW Watch


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Am not a fan of Montreal FrozenGator because they had a Gator QB some seasons in Chris Leak and they kept Adrian McPherson from the that other school and got rid of Leak. Hopefully if he goes to Montreal, he'll have better luck than Leak did. Who knows what J-Ville holds for him. Hopefully better than what the Jets did however I'm worried because I'm sure more Jacksonville natives go to Gator games than Jags games. They need attendance. Then again unlike the Jets, I think the attendance would be based upon if Tebow is the Jaguars starter. The Arena League is also an option but players only get paid 400 bucks a game (last I checked). It was a shame when the Jets did pull the plug on Sanchez, Tebow was hurt and put in McElory from Bama and he won the game. Who knows what would have happen if Tebow was there for the game against the Cards.


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Leakfan12, ...but that was never going to happen with the Jets in ANY event, as we now clearly see. Hard to decide which are the bigger lying two-faced sleaze-bag-phonies, Ryan and the Jets management OR ESPN, the latter exploiting him out of both sides of it's fork-tongued mouth, judging him harshly and putting him down at every turn, yet drooling at each chance to ride his popularity (even as they COMPLAIN about the very same).
The Jets lied to Tebow, ESPN lied (and CONTINUES to lie) to EVERYONE ELSE.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
ESPN New York apparently is full of slimeballs. ESPN Headquarters has been supportive of Tebow for the most part, with the notable exception of Merril Hoge.

The NY Jets organization definitely exploited Tebow for publicity. What the Jets should have figured out is that Timmy is such a nice guy and hard worker that they could have been honest with him from the beginning and he stil would have tried his heart out until the end. "Timmy, we only brought you here for the media circus, to take media away from the Giants. We have no intention to let you start as QB, and we have no intention of installing any spread or spread option plays, but we will get you on the field from time to time as a wildcat QB, punt protector, and maybe fullback." Timmy probably would have said, "Well, sir, I would appreciate it if you gave me a chance at QB, since I took my team one game into the playoffs last year and won the quickest overtime playoff game in history, but I will do what I can to get better and change your low opinion of me." The way they treated him was downright unprofessional. I am not saying he should have been guaranteed a start against San Diego, but he should have been guaranteed an open, honest opportunity. Tebow is known for making the most of opportunity. What I honestly feel happened is that the coaches based the McElroy decision on Tebow's notoriously underwhelming practice sessions. Maybe it was implied by Rex Ryan that he would only start Tebow if he improved on the practice field first. That would be a fair expectation of a coaching staff that has to assess risk before the game and buy off on risk based on what they see. If that is what happened, then they could come out and say it. I think they are not saying anything, because the Jet organization really is full of slimeballs and they enjoy the negative publicity. Tebow's media outlets could help out by offering up an official statement to counter these cowardly media leaks. If it is indeed true that Tebow is pouting or protesting, then I would expect an official, named media source to emerge. Since that did not happen, I can only assume that it did not happen, that the media is running rampant with negative publicity, and that Tebow's camp does not see this as a threat worthy of addressing in public.


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I think you are trying to excuse the inexcusable, rationalize the unrationalizable, understand the impossible-to-understand. Like trying to see things from the POV of a sociopath, someone with no conscience or empathy, when you are a balanced individual who can't possibly imagine that state, NOR (more dangerously to you) its behavioral implications, the attempt to apply logic to this mess seems a hopeless exercise going IN.
As for Tebow's thinking, and the council of his friends and advisors, I believe this NON-reaction is more a natural organic outgrowth of his basic worldview and attitude: HE refuses to think, see or act in that way, therefore making the rest literally a "no brainer": TOO much BS to deny, refute or even deal with--and by now so seemingly endless that neither he nor they are even tempted to react or respond...He walks on, strong and quiet, towards his next "opportunity" in the faith that that will come, and he will be ready for it. Succeed when it does, and all of this will wilt and disappear behind him.
Some may say I'M being naive to see it that way, while others will insist that "THEY" (this to some extent mythical "Tebow Braintrust"--at most probably a call to his family and discussions with his agent) are naive if they think that this is an effective response to counter such an aggressive attack on not just his image, but the very livelihood that he and they have (supposedly intentionally) built out of it--but I believe that TT has never tried to consciously exploit himself in that fashion, has just "gone with the flow", and will "walk his own road", proudly and fearlessly, with good humor as he always has done, and accept the rewards and/or consequences, come what may. From where I'm sitting, it seems clear he's been driven by his love of the game, his belief in himself and his God, and his determination to compete to the utmost ON THE FIELD OF PLAY--and continues to be both motivated and steered by those same essentially simple goals and intentions.


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PS--Once again: I can't, and WON'T listen to ANYTHING ESPN says about Tebow anymore--I am not sure of the dynamics involved: Local, regional or national; social, political and/or cliche-driven; impossible for outsiders (and probably most INSIDERS) to untangle...But I am DONE with shaking my head and talking back angrily to the screen. Screw them all.


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A reason why I think Rex Ryan didn't have Tebow starting


Do I need to go further? Really hoping that's fake.
Doesn't matter (though I'd lay ODDS it's real)--the team's a joke, the COACH is a joke, their "once-and-future-QB" is a joke--and the image of that moron's fantasy threesome I could do WITHOUT!
GEEZ! Ryan, the Jets, their dysfunctional quarterback AND "ESPN New York" (the very EMBODIMENT of puke-journalism) all deserve each other--and if they were somehow bound-together in the form of a single individual, I'D PROUDLY be the one to push them off-the-platform into the path of an incoming train!
(OK, questionable "humor", but y'all get the idea here...)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
This sucks for Timmy. Yes, he should have gone to Jax when he had the chance. I do not know if it was his choice to go to the New York Butt-fumblers or his agent's, but in hindsight that was a bad decision. Then again, nobody knew that Ryan and Sparano were short-sighted with planning how to use their personnel. Unless there is an opportune shift in coaching, I do not see where Tebow fits into any current coach's plans as a potential starter or backup quarterback. Not in the NFL.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Denver Broncos fans: do you miss Tim Tebow yet? At least Timmy got you one game further. At least Manning's throwing mechanics were perfect in those 2 INTs.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I hear that the Denver Broncos will be putting Peyton Manning in at punt protector and wildcat QB next year.


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Denver Broncos fans: do you miss Tim Tebow yet? At least Timmy got you one game further. At least Manning's throwing mechanics were perfect in those 2 INTs.
Glad someone made this point here...I've been raising this exact issue all over the web--especially in various places over at ESPN, along lines of:
"So, Little Johnie and the Bronco Brown-Nosers take note: 'The Acceptable Over-the-Hill Legend' takes a healthier, better-stocked version of your team to the 1st-game-of-the-play-offs and personally BLOWS it late, whereas 'that useless, unskilled kid' puts your then-weaker, winless team on his back with little support, gets you there anyway and WINS it on a stunning, dazzling play in overtime...Gee, maybe 'having heart' and 'being a winner' have value after all."
I do NOT expect the sportswriters or media pundits to "get" this at all, though...In addition to being thick-headed, me-too morons, there is so much lazy thinking and easy "goin' along to get along" happening in that "profession"--I mean, where else are these untalented hacks going to make the money they DO if brains, talent and insight they don't have and never will were required--that any such change would ALSO mean a change in the folks making the personnel decisions, AND the people writing/talking about it.

I am reminded of one of the more frustrating side notes to the movie (and real life story BEHIND) "Moneyball", wherein the story was clearly and TOTALLY that of Oakland GM Billy Beane's embracing a radically revolutionary approach to stocking his team with statistical run-production in mind, and making it WORK--against all odds, adversity, resistance and even abuse, including even a Field Mgr. who did everything possible to sabotage his efforts because HE didn't believe in them and was only concerned with how HE would look, and whom Billy didn't have the power to fire...So he makes moves that leave that manager with no CHOICE but to play the guys Billy wants him to: The mgr. goes into a sulk and just stands around with his arms folded for the middle 2/3 of the season, while "the new way" kicks in, begins to work and gets them to the top of their division--BUT the MEDIA guys cover it all as "The savvy, old-time mgr.'s calming influence making the difference...etc etc", missing the point entirely and totally crediting the WRONG GUY. After an amazing season that includes this team of cast-offs with a payroll 1/3 that of the Yankees equaling their win-total and in-the-process beating that team's--the 1927, "Murderer's Row"-version--in-season streak of 20 wins-in-a-row, but losing the deciding game of the LCS and not making it to the Series, those same writers and pundits suddenly focus on that "system" they did their best to ignore all season, now BLAMING it for "not being able to build a team by numbers and statistics that can win championships"...and the thing is, similar to the whole Tebow story I think (and maybe explaining some of the DEPTH of feeling against #15), is again here this threat to both the writer/talkers' easy answers, their lazy, well-paid jobs (doing stuff that sounds like FUN, btw--going to big-league games in every sport, prowling around locker rooms and camps etc., and then bitching about it all and getting PAID for it--which I'd never begrudge ANYONE if they at LEAST had the style, grace and humility to at least TRY doing it honestly and well)...Likewise the generally mediocre minds that fill out all but the best staffs of the best teams and/or programs, all getting by on mediocre teams by parroting whatever party-line "philosophy" is being purveyed by the folks above and around them--ALL of these folks will OF COURSE resent and despise ANYONE whose very existence threatens that easy life--not to mention remind themselves and the public-at-large that they don't know what the f*ck they are talking about in the first place...I guess by my own reasoning, it isn't likely to change much, now is it?


VIP Member
So Lway and Fox agree with taking a knee with 30 seconds remaining and two timeouts.


OK let me repharse that, Lway and Fox both who did everything to convince Peyton Manning to come to Denver and displace Tebow with money and whatever else (use your imagination) to convince Manning to come there only to have Manning take a knee in a big playoff game with 30 seconds and two timeouts left. Shoot Tebow could have done that. Heck, I could have done that. Most of us could have done that. Only one person was dumber than that, 2011 Oklahoma vs Baylor, Baylor coach Art Briles was going to let the clock run despite having RG3 leading a powerful offense. Luckily former Florida DC Bob Stoopes who had three timeouts call one hoping that Baylor would play for OT. What came next well RG3 won the Heisman with that drive.


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The point REALLY is that Tebow WOULDN'T have done that--NO WAY! He goes for the WIN in that situation, no doubt about it, and (just going by "statistical likelihood" of what THAT man does in "such and such a situation") probably GETS IT DONE! Part of the thing that completely baffles and GALLS people like us, Gators who have SEEN it again and again, is how everyone else can so stubbornly and determinedly ignore what has always been the key point about TT: Call it what you want, "the winner's destiny" or "the heart of a lion" or whatever, he IS that "deciding factor"...give him even the bare necessities to do so, and he'll put you in position to win a game late--and then he'll pull it off.
I mean it: when the chips are down, I'd take #15 as my QB over ANYONE.
(I only hope that, as a result of the extreme nature of how so many of his bedrock beliefs in himself and the world-at-large have been broken and thrown back in his face the last couple of years, the "flagging confidence and fading enthusiasm several coaches and observers close to the Jets" have noted lately in follow-up stories is a temporary thing that he can shake off--assuming of course there is even a set of circumstances out there where he might once again have an opportunity to make his strengths WORK for him once more in the FIRST place...It isn't enough that the Jaguars or whomever really WANT him this time and will "hand him the keys"--he obviously has to at least have enough around him to take them somewhere.)


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Congrats to him though I don't like the Pats but Beliclick likes those Gators and McDaniel drafted him to play QB. Also he'll wear his HS number five.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I like Belichik. The reason? If you look at his offense, he essentially borrowed Urban Meyer's playbook after he let go of Charlie Weis. Everyone outside of Gainesville incorrectly assumes that Meyer's offense is an option offense, but it is not. It is a spread-option offense, which means that if the QB reads the defense a certain way it is a spread offense, but if he reads it a different way it is an option offense. Imagine what the Patriots could do with Tebow under center against a nickel defense, at least in certain situations or against good pass defenses.

I am just glad Timmy has a home.

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