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The TEBOW Watch


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Honestly, I suspect ideally it may BE too early to start Tebow, ESPECIALLY with such high expectations from the fans--but the way these idiots have played this thing out has essentially CREATED the problem: they've dug their own hole, and like it or not, TT is in there with them.
I would MUCH rather see him somewhere they intend and can afford to bring him along patiently, learning the pro game and getting used to its nuanced details and speed under the tutilege of an offensive guru on the sideline and/or a "sly old veteran" on the field (preferably both). It LOOKED like something like that was what he was originally drafted into at Denver, but boy has THAT evaporated. Shoot, I'd settle gladly for an otherwise poor team that would begin to start building a TEAM around TT, a la Cam Newton, with an eye towards EVENTUALLY having a successful-if-unusual (for the NFL) offense (as you have noted before this, E-); but there won't be a SECOND one unless and until Carolina busts out for bigtime success in a couple of years and the NFL "Me-too"-syndrome kicks in.
So we're ALL stuck with the situation AS IS, and either circumstances basically FORCE the Broncos to put Tim out there (and with the WHOLE TEAM hoping that he will fail totally, miserably, and QUICKLY--not exactly a prescription for ANY kind of chance at success), or they ship him out somewhere else, maybe get some value for him so they can temper the fans' fury, but rid of him, either way.


VIP Member
Two fans had a plan for two billboards though Tebow said spent the money on charity. Nice of him, personally can't they spent 5K on a billboard then 5K for charity? Then again 10K is better spent on any charity. Though instead of spending 10K on billboards do what was suggestion by either DRU or E-94 and don't paid the tickets for the games and the gear and anything else that Elway and company profit from. Use that money for charity.


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As I say, "Vote with your wallets, folks!"--but not by spending MORE on a billboard or advertising (the booing on TV and radio has already accomplished the same thing: made it impossible for management to pretend that everything is fine, or make public statements about "widespread support" and so on, "revising reality" like they normally get away with doing).
No, by far the most effective way for fans to now voice their impatience and unhappiness, perhaps even to influence club-policy, is to simply STOP spending money, as you refer to above--the simplest of all is by NOT SHOWING UP. Now, even if such a movement DOES successfully "influence" whatever action is taken, it MAY not have the effect that fans hope for or expect.
Even without a big billboard right there dominating the view as one drives the road leading into the Stadium complex as planned, we're hearing that Kyle Orton is ALREADY "really down about it all", that it is affecting his whole outlook, perhaps even his play. Now, it is "certain players" and "sources close to the team" who are supposedly relating this information to reporters, and you have to consider what their motives and agenda may be (as in, "Who's making excuses for WHO?"), but if true, well, that's on Orton: one more reason to wonder how ready HE is (can you imagine TT worrying about ANY of that?). Anyway, as for other "unexpected consequences", as I say, one POSSIBLE reaction if/when it starts to cost the organization (and, by extension, the whole local economy that depends on Bronco home games and a normally rabid, supportive fan-base) REAL money when non-attendance drives down concession-sales, parking, fan-gear and paraphernalia, etc., one very real possibility is that Bronco management finds a way to "pass it on"--ship Tebow to another team, whatever the immediate financial hit inherent in a "quick bail out", just end the immediate problem and its growing repercussions (both financial AND organizational...also emotional, as I have argued, but that won't be acknowledged for years, if ever). They (Owner, GM and Coach) in that event will be counting on the public's well documented short attention-span, as well as the time-worn principle of cutting one's losses.

(PS It's only at the "rumor stage"--or at least it WAS--but the whispers had JUST begun about the Ravens (Remember? They were the ones who held the pick that the Broncos traded early-ish draft-choices UP for) being interested in trading for...now the story is picking up steam, with several different reporters in BOTH cities reporting both teams' interest, that "they're talking"...)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
As much as I want Tebow out of Denver due to management, the fans deserve better. They voted with their wallets by buying Tebow jerseys, clamoring to see Timmy at practice and at games, etc. Alas, this is not Timmy's fault. I am not even guaranteeing that Timmy is the savior. I am saying that either way the fans may not get a chance to see what they have invested in. Timmy will either ride the bench and be traded to get Andrew Luck in 2012, or he may, as the rumor suggests, get traded mid season before Denver fans get to see for themselves if they were right about him not being ready or if he was ready the whole time. Bad decision by Denver. Hopefully Timmy can get traded to a team that can afford to buy out his contract and give him a chance.


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If he goes to the Ravens, the plan there IS to bring him along slowly, see if he can be their NEXT QB, not "WIN NOW", something that (especially with the deal they will have gotten with him--going both ways) they can afford to do both financial- and personnel-wise. In a somewhat delayed but nonetheless ironic fashion, Denver fans may thus "get to see for themselves" how right or wrong they might have been only in this way.


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He's such a humble, team-guy he'll do whatever they ask him to do out there--and if they thought they could bury him (or even get him hurt and out of there completely--don't be so sure THAT doesn't cross their minds) that way they'd likely do it.


VIP Member
^ why didnt they make a trade? Sure the fans would be pissed, but probably not as pissed as watching him stand on the sideline. Their are several teams in need of a QB.


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^ why didnt they make a trade? Sure the fans would be pissed, but probably not as pissed as watching him stand on the sideline. Their are several teams in need of a QB.
Can't say. So many conflicting emotions, repressed resentments and hidden agendas going on within and among each of the involved parties, IN ADDITION to the various financial and political interests that have a stake, all working at cross-purposes and displayed in the fishbowl of public scrutiny via radio, television, newspapers and the internet--is there any wonder that this tangle of egos and affiliations is so unwieldy and slow-moving as to appear FROZEN?
Just remember, at a certain point, NO decision is ALSO a decision: it keeps Tim Tebow right where he is, in Denver and relegated to 3rd-string/on-the-bench, under the control of a GM who doesn't WANT him to succeed and a Head Coach who just doesn't want him. As long as either feels he is positioned not to be blamed for that impasse, neither will be motivated to change the status quo--logic and "the good of the team and its future" be damned.
Typical corporate power-politics. My father used to have a saying: "A camel is a horse designed by a committee". It was born I guess of his experience in the military, then in the "military/industrial complex"--but it applies everywhere, especially in bigtime business and the way truly absurd results are arrived at regularly and somehow ACCEPTED.
It will take some person or persons with the money, power and will-to-do-so to step in and, for whatever reason, CHANGE the equation, tip the "balance-of-dysfunction"--and then a "deal" would happen in short order (it IS that logical, as you note, after all).


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(BTW, re that use of TT as a WR yesterday:
Broncos' Head Coach Fox noted today that #15 "graded out 100% on those three plays as a wide receiver..."
If THAT isn't the most ludicrous statement I've heard in what has been an ORGY of absurdity and bad faith--but it goes perfectly in what was a new low in an already extended episode of the prime time melodrama, "Wasted Talent")


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
A lot of people are finally speaking in support of Tebow NOW, but the damage is done. I give up on Denver. This sucks for Timmy.


VIP Member
Sad part Elway isn't going to listen to Reeves because they didn't get along when Elway was QB and Reeves was the head coach. I still think L-way is treating Tebow like how he was treated by Reeves though the difference is Elway played and Tebow is buried in the 3rd spot.


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TT's done EVERYTHING to lead them back in this one, but he's running out of time--down 4 pts. on the Charger 40 w/19 sec. left. Time elapses w/in FG range, but they had to go of course...1 TD rushing, 1 TD passing all in the second half: Orton mediocre at best before that. Do they give Tebow the starting job now? I think not--ONLY if Little Johnie were SURE that "the upstart" was CERTAIN to fail...actually, if they were about to play, like, the toughest defense in the League right now (who would that be?--I'm not hip enough to the daily-doings of the NFL to call that one) #15 MIGHT be put in to start--sent in to fail, you see? That's the thing about TT, though, what we know and love about him: give him a week to prepare, a week of reps with the the 1st team offense AND a gameplan tailored to his various strengths, and you just never know.
You see it a few times, you know it's not a "fluke", an anomaly--the guy doesn't just raise HIS game, he raises that of everyone around him. THAT'S what makes him different. That's what makes him special.
Oh well. The "WASTE" continues. Can't wait 'til he goes to another team and John Elway is then publicly identified as "the damn fool who wouldn't play Tim Tebow, who HAD him but let him go for NOTHING!"


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
This is what I posted on Facebook: Tebow does not win the game off the bench, but he made it interesting. 4/10 79 yds 1 TD 101.7 rating 6 rush 38 yds 1 TD

By the way, Timmy's QB rating off the bench actually beat out Rivers' rating. The odds were stacked against Timmy, so we should be happy that he came this close. There were no open receivers in the end zone for the hail Mary, and the one receiver closest was ineligible because he went out of bounds on his own. He delivered the ball in the best place he could. If he were at Florida, he would have dumped it to Percy and let him scoot 30 yards into the end zone. They don't have a Percy, and the Chargers were in a soft zone with 4-man rush. It would have been a frigging miracle if the other receiver could have broken loose from double coverage (and borderline holding) to jump in front and grab that.


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Post-Percy the "nameless one" would have called for the bubble screen--and Tim would have audibled to something else, maybe something he drew up in the huddle--but he's trying to be a "good soldier" in the NFL, so he was pretty well stuck with whatever the coach sent in.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The point is that his receivers did not help him. Receiver 1 beat his man and then ran through the back of the end zone. Ineligible. Receiver 21 was double covered until the defender abandoned the ineligible receiver and became triple covered. No idea where receiver 3 went. Notice that the 4 man rush broke through and he dodged at least two defenders before throwing, with another drawing a bead on him.

ESPN will say that all he had to do was throw it earlier to receiver 1 for the jump ball, but that is incorrect. By the time Timmy looked up, that guy was clearly out of bounds. Timmy was firing a laser at the only eligible receiver in view, the one coming across that was double covered with another defender coming from the back of the end zone to help. Thanks to numb nut receiver 1, the jump ball became the worst throw and the laser into triple coverage became the best option. If his guys want to win, they need to help. Start by staying in bounds on the Hail Mary.


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How about Tebow's scramble to keep that last play alive? Orton couldn't do that and Merrill Hoge should shut the f--- up. He doesn't know how to be a bleeping QB, I rather listen to Wilber Marshall's bitch (who use to be on ESPN).

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