Yeah. I am all out of sunshine to pump. I think the Gators will be lucky to score 14 points to Alabama's 60+. That is a preview of my SEC CG preview. On the topic of LSU, what this game showed us is plain and simple--they were not ready. Some Gator writers were under the impression that Mullen was not too excited about playing LSU. If this is true, this would be utterly baffling. I do not go around believing everything I see in the news or social media, so I will reserve any ire against Mullen until after the SEC Championship Game.
Agreed—to SOME extent.
We were DEFINITELY “not ready”—and THAT, is a “COACHING thing”.
And Mullen had nothing to fear from LSU—except (in an appropriate repackaging of an old quote) of course, “fear itself”: I was afraid we might be hurtling towards our own self-destruction—and in fact, that was EXACTLY the case!
And now?
I am most afraid that what that day’s performance heralded was above all the apparent need of a full scale “tear down and REbuild”—rather than a simpler “crafty reload”—after ALL.
If we are right, and the ominously building march towards a beat down in Atlanta indeed now is fulfilled, the latter likely reality, that of us having to face a change in the whole structure and personality of our TEAM AND PROGRAM, would seem to be indicated:
No “take two players and call me in the morning” from there!
I am NOT in any way shape or form the “QB-“, “TEAM-“ or “PROGRAM-“ whisperer that our Coach is rightfully reputed to be—and so do NOT presume to see or begin to suggest a prescription for or path TO any successful resolution of the myriad problems and difficulties that are seemingly starting to reveal themselves...
Whether “surface blemishes” displayed by players soon to be (at least to a certain degree) replaced, or widespreading crucial cracks racing away from a series of suddenly propagating nexes, remains to be seen—examined, considered, confirmed or denied in this, for US the 2020 SEASON’S penultimate game.
We may not have seen this coming, but I fear it is UPON US NOW.